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4 min readMar 17, 2021

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Description: Dutch people or the Dutch, are an East Germanic ethnic group and country native to the Netherlands. They speak the Dutch language and share a common history and heritage with Germany. They have been in existence for more than a thousand years and although a small number of Dutch people live in New Zealand, they are quite popular among New Zealanders who speaks English as their first language and have adopted Dutch as their second. In fact, Dutch New Zealand is becoming one of the fastest growing languages spoken in the country.

What You Need To Know: The most important part of knowing Dutch is to describe people. If you want to know how to say ‘Hello’, you can refer to a glossary to help you get started. Most words in the English language are spelled the same but in Dutch, pronunciation of many words differs. The letters V, H, R and J are pronounced differently, and this has resulted in many new words forming over time, such as wat, en and watz. A number of Dutch words to describe people, including bishop, beschuren (father), hebden (bread), met Nacht (meeting), new Nederlanden (Netherlands), nuur a (novel), tegen (telegram), waat (water) and ons (bread).

What You Should Know: If you’re looking to travel and you already know Dutch, you may wish to refer to a dictionary or phrase book to refresh your memory about common words used in the language or to brush up on vocabulary you’ve learned. There are several slang terms in the Netherlands that are used frequently in the English speaking world, such as ishop, blauw or breek. Another way to describe people in the Netherlands is to use a special word that describes their occupation. For example, if you were taking tourist pictures, you would speak to the local inhabitant as ouders (foreigner) or beschikker (burglar).

What You Should Know: Many people who live in the United States and Canada to identify with Holland and identify with the Netherlands as a country, even though the country itself is nothing more than a collection of twenty-eight little provinces. The provinces of the Netherlands are: Brabant, Eupolexte, Flanders, Gelderland, Holand, Limburg, Groningen, Belgravia, Bredzwert, Lower Austria, Liechtenstein, Ludlow, Munich, Westerhusen and Zeeland. These provinces are very similar to the American states, and there are even counties in the United States and Canadian provinces that have names that begin with the same letters as one of the Netherlands provinces. In addition, there are several cities in the United States and Canada that have been named after cities in the Netherlands, including: wire, Zeehelden, Caster, Overijssel, Mauldraken, Arnhem, Beekberg, Brugge, Polokwinken, Leidse, Maastrich, Molen, Wageningen, Zigewort, Deventer and Curacao.

What You Should Not Know: Some people confuse the Dutch language with German, since the Dutch language has a pronunciation that is quite different from that of German. However, the similarities between the Dutch languages and German are more in word construction and grammatical class than in pronunciation. In addition, while the Netherlands and Germany both use the Latin alphabet, the pronunciation in both countries is completely different. In addition, while many Dutch speakers live in Europe, many Americans and Canadians do not, and this may lead to mispronunciations of words in English that are mistakenly ascribed to Dutch.

The dialect of the Netherlands also affects the way some regions and cities are pronounced. For example, Curaao is pronounced as “kroo” rather than “curah” — which are closer to the original pronunciation of the island. Curacao is close to the Spanish language, but it’s dutch sound has nothing to do with the pronunciation of the island’s name. If you would like to travel to some of these regions in the Netherlands or to experience their culture, you should make sure to speak as much as possible. Even a simple conversation with a native dutch speaker will help you to become more familiar with the country and to understand Dutch if you have the opportunity to visit there. Most tourists and travelers to the Netherlands do not have the chance to do so.

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